Skeleton of an ancient warrior undisturbed for 3,500 years along with huge hoard of treasure discovered in Greece

Skeleton of an ancient warrior undisturbed for 3,500 years along with huge hoard

On Monday, the Greek culture ministry announced that the US archaeologists in Greece have revealed an ancient warrior’s skeleton that has been placed there undisturbed for over 3,500 years with a big hoard of treasure.

The ministry said that the treasure was ‘the most significant to have been found in 65 years in continental Greece.

The wooden coffin was of an unknown soldier, clearly a person of some importance. Archaeologists have discovered it on the site of the Mycenaean-era Palace of Nestor on Peloponnese peninsula in Greece.

The person was laid to rest along with much fine gold jewellery, such as an ornate string of pearls, signet rings, a bronze sword having a gold and ivory handle, silver vases and ivory combs.

The decoration of the jewellery was in the style of the Minoans, which was the civilization that flourished on the island of Crete from nearly 2000 BC, with deities, animals and floral motifs’ figures.

The archaeologists, Jack L. Davis and Sharon R. Stocker from the University of Cincinnati, have recognized over 1,400 pieces ‘whose quality has confirmed Minoans’ influence’ on the afterward Mycenaeans.

In the 2nd century BC, the Mycenean civilization covered the Peloponnese across the whole of the eastern Mediterranean.

The tomb was discovered during excavations that started in May near Pylos, on the site of the palace of Nestor. It stands at 2.4 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. The palace was built between 1300 and 1200 BC, and its ruins were found in 1939.

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