Microsoft’s annual Internet user survey reveals users’ likes and dislikes

Microsoft’s annual Internet user survey reveals users’ likes and dislikes

Microsoft has recently released the results of its annual Internet user survey, giving a peek at the likes and dislikes of the users from all over the world.

The survey, summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, involved the participation of more than 12,000 Internet users from a number of digitally developed countries, including the US, Brazil, South Africa, China, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and Japan.

Going by the responses of the survey participants with regard to the positive impact of the Internet, financial affairs are apparently much better when linked to the Internet. Nearly 74 percent of the participants said that the Internet can effectively keep prices down because of competition; while 68 percent people said that the Internet has eased the process of starting up a new business.

Moreover, nearly 65 percent of the participants in the Microsoft survey said that the Internet has positively affected productivity.

Meanwhile, so far as the downside of the Internet is concerned, most of the survey respondents said that 'privacy' was one of the biggest issues. As per the respondents, the current legal protections for users of personal technology are not sufficient.

Overall, part of the Microsoft survey states that most of the respondents believe that "the legal rights of Internet users should be governed by the local laws of the country where the users live; that if a foreign government wants information about a person stored in a datacenter in that person's country, they should have to seek permission from the person, not just the government."

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