Longer lunch period at school could make children healthier

Longer lunch period at school could make children healthier

According to researchers, there should be longer lunch break for children at school as it contributes to their good health. They found that in less than 20 minutes, children are not able to eat proper amount of their meals, milk and vegetables compared to those who have longer lunch period.

Researchers have found that there should be a lunch break of at least 25 minutes so that children get enough time to have their food.

According to lead author of the study Juliana Cohen, adjunct assistant professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, US, "Many children, especially those from low-income families, rely on school meals for up to half their daily energy intake so it is essential that we give students a sufficient amount of time to eat their lunches".

Every day, more than 30 million students in the US receive a free or low-priced meal on account of the National School Lunch Programme. The researchers intended to look at the impact of lunch period length on students on intake of food.

The researchers examined 1,001 students in six elementary and middle schools in a school district in Massachusetts. Lunch periods of the students ranged from 20-30 minutes in different schools.

The researchers also found that students having a lunch break of less than 20 minutes had 13% less of their entrees, 12% less of their vegetables, in addition to 10% less of their milk than those students were having at least 25 minutes to eat.

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