A team of mathematical experts have said that 1729, which is also known as the Ramanujan-Hardy number, is linked to aspects of string theory and...

A group called, the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) is planning to launch the first online data portal in the world to provide details relating to the state of permafrost around the world.
The GTN-P will present the online data portal at the Laval University in Quebec City on Saturday. The portal will provide free across to anyone from around the world to download the data. The group has been collecting data that will include temperature and thickness from various regions including Arctic, Antarctic, and mountainous areas.
The portal will be funded by EU’s permafrost research project PAGE21. It will offer detailed data about the world’s permafrost that has been largely unavailable to researchers.The GTN-P includes scientists from as many as 25 countries. The team of researchers bore holes into the frozen ground at various sites at Spitsbergen in Norway, Herschel Island in Canada’s Beaufort Sea, BolshoyLyakhovsky Island, the Lena Delta’s Sobo-Sise Island and the Bykovsky Peninsula, all in Siberia in order to collect the data.
Database initiator Prof.HuguesLantuit, Permafrost Expert at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), said, “If we want to understand the extent to which climate change is causing the permafrost to thaw and the effect this thawing will in turn have on our climate, we have to closely observe these regions around the globe, and we also have to make our measurements freely available. This can only work if it is based on international cooperation, which we managed to achieve comprehensively for the first time in this project.”