Kenyan Tourist board: Google Street View is the country's first virtual tour of a national park

Kenyan Tourist board: Google Street View is the country's first virtual tour of

Elephants can be seen from close through Google Maps in probably the best Street View ever imagined. Google has joined hands with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Save the Elephants to initiate #GoogleElephants for raising awareness about the present plight of elephants.

Lewa wrote on its Facebook page, “For the first time in Kenya, Google has launched its Street View technology in one of a kind partnership to raise global consciousness around elephants”. It mentioned the Street View technology is going to provide panoramic views of individual elephants and their landscapes, and also stunning imagery from Lewa.

The project is following a single road through the 165 square kilometers of the lush Kenyan reserve with a hope to better tell stories of the elephants in the region. Kenyan Tourist board said this is the country's first virtual tour of a national park.

A Google Street View car drove through the track this last February, and collected data wherein elephants, zebras and a leopard were seen, dotted along the way.

The elephant orphans at the conservancies and the wild landscapes of Sanburu National Reserve in Kenya can also be seen through Street View. Advances in such kind of technology have been helping people in tracking the movements of the herds and understand the threats elephants are facing today.

Because of rampant poaching for elephants’ ivory, they have been killed in record numbers. On an average of every 15 minutes an elephant is poached, which is making it a distinct possibility that these majestic animals could disappear entirely in our lifetime.

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