Drone used to collect breath samples of Whales

Drone used to collect breath samples of Whales

A team of scientists have used an unmanned aerial vehicle to collect breath samples of whales for the first time as it was earlier used to film whales and dolphins swimming near the surface of the water.

Experts said that drones are usually used to spy on the sea creatures but the new research by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) sued them for collecting breath samples from humpback whales in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts. The researchers at the WHOI worked with those at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and used a drone containing six rotorsover the Atlantic to collect samples.

The drone first flew about 125 feet above the surface of the ocean and captured essential full-body photos of 36 whales. Then the drone flew just 10 feet above the water's surface and it was taken through the spouts of the whales to collect samples. Whales release air from their blowholes and that rises high in the air.The drone was able to collect 20 breath samples from 16 whales.

“With breath samples, scientists can analyze whales' DNA, hormones, and bacteria for things such as family history, stress levels, and health," said the WHOI in a statement.

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