Climate Change posing threat to Hawaii's Rare, Endangered Birds

Climate Change posing threat to Hawaii's Rare, Endangered Birds

A number of animal and bird populations around the globe are declining due to climate change. Now, it has been found that rare and endangered birds of Hawaii will lose about half of their natural high-elevation habitat by the end of this century due to climate change.

Apart from shifts in climate, outbreaks from disease will affect the Hawaiian forest birds. As per report of Nature World News, researchers at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study to observe natural threats that rare birds of Hawaii are currently facing.

Rare Hawaiian birds are under threat for many years because they have lost their habitats, according to the study published in the journal PLOS ONE. In a statement, Dr. Lucas Fortini, research ecologist with the USGS and lead author of the study, said, “As dire as these findings are, they do not mean that these bird species are doomed. Instead, our findings indicate what may happen if nothing is done to address the primary drivers of decline: disease spreading uphill into the few remaining refuges”.

The researchers found that high-elevation forests in Hawaii are still inhabitable places for the rare birds. In such places, there are less disease carrying mosquitoes. Under favorable conditions in these places, vulnerable populations of forest birds can live. But, there are chances that climate change will soon warm these forests and harm the rare birds, the study reported.

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