Like many regions across the globe, Africa will also face the catastrophic effects of climate change in near future if we fail to control it in...

A team of inspectors have said categorised a Sheffield GP surgery as inadequate and said that it is not fit for providing quality care to the people.
Health experts said that Barnsley Road Surgery is being put into special measures after they found it was inadequate following an inspection. The Care Quality Commission inspectors found serious concerns at the facility during inspection. The inspection report found that the surgery was inadequate at providing services that were safe as well as effective.
Inspector Sue McMillan said, "It is important that people who are registered at Barnsley Road Surgery can rely on getting the high quality care which everyone is entitled to.I do not believe that the practice is likely to resolve its challenges without external support. This is why we are placing the practice into special measures."
The inspectors said that the practicewas clean and patients were positive about their experience. They also noted that the staff understood their responsibilities to raise concerns and also respond to safeguarding incidents at the facility. Besides that they found a number of concerns including lack of training to some staff over infection prevention. Some staff did not have CRB checks to ensure their suitability to work with vulnerable people and there was a lack of solid systems to monitor risks.
The CQC is now working to address the issues at the facility.